The Stockholm Major became the tournament with the largest prize at CS:GO tournaments in the history of CS:GO ($2 million). …
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What is the number of CS GO skins?
There are many skins in CS:GO. To list them all will take several hours of your life. But how many …
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CS:GO weapon skins: where to get?
CS:GO is one of the most played online video games right now. Numerous players from all around the world congregate …
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Is CS:GO case opening profitable?
The game “Counter Strike” is extremely popular among players from all countries. Anyone can download it online. Recently, specialized sites …
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When did CS:GO cases appear and what are they?
There are hundreds of cases in CS:GO. We counted and were shocked! That number makes the head spin. Yellow and …
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Why CS GO is popular so far?
How many times have we heard that CS GO is either dying or already dead with no chance of resurrection? …
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In which countries is CSGO most popular? CS GO popularity by country
One of the world’s most well-known competitive online shooters is CS:GO and it is enjoyed all over the world, but …
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How many CS GO players will there be in 2022?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is still relevant nine years after its release! According to recent statistics, CS GO will have more …
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Do skins wear out over time and how to check the wear and tear of CS:GO skin?
The release of the last part of the cult online first-person shooter “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” almost coincided with the launch …
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